

Now Known As Doughboy!

Once you meet Egor, you will never forget him. He truly has a face "only a Mother could love!"

Egor was turned into a high-kill shelter as a "found stray". Everyone there felt the man was lying as the little girl with him was crying as though he were her pet. And despite his funny face, Egor is the perfect pet. Well, almost. He is a counter surfer. And he slops his food a little due to the deformity of his face and teeth. (Our vet thinks he was born with the head deformity.)

Egor is like an autistic child....ALWAYS happy, ALWAYS wagging that black tail as hard as he can. We adopted him out once, only to have him come back because their other dogs didn't like him. Not like Egor....we can't imagine. He's now here to stay forever on the Spotted Ranch.