Our Handsome Model! |
Found as a stray at a hunt camp just skin and bones, Mikey is now so beautiful he sometimes acts as a model. (He doesn't really look too keen about having to wear stupid stuff!) Mikey obviously had a tough life. Besides being so thin you could count his ribs, Mikey had a high heartworm count and was not neutered when we picked him up from a kill shelter where he was turned in by the people who found him. He had such a severe reaction to his first heartworm injection that we had to stop treatment and start him on prevention, letting the heartworms die off naturally. A year later he was finally clear of heartworms and we were able to safely neuter him.
Due to the heartworms, Mikey has a permanent heart murmur. He is also very timid because of his past. We decided to keep him on our ranch unless the perfect home shows up. He loves playing with Mr. Cloud, teases Pebbles and runs with Andyman. Mikey is about 6 years old.