Left Chained To A Fence
We received a call from the shelter asking for help with a recent abuse/neglect case involving a starved Dalmatian. According to the vet, this is the story about Maya. Maya was found by a neighbor tied on a short chain to a fence. She had no food, water, shelter or even shade. She was laying in the dirt with an old towel on the ground outside of her reach. She was skin and bones at 30 pounds and no one had seen the owner of the house recently. Dried feces in the yard looked about two weeks old indicating that was probably the last time Maya had been fed. There was a small Yorkie also left inside the house. The Sheriff confiscated both animals and took them to animal control. Dr. Julie said that Maya was skin and bones with very pale mucus membranes. She should have weighed about 45-50 pounds. And of course she wasn't spayed, had hookworms and roundworms and is high heartworm positive. There were scars on her neck from the chain. Apparently the owner has a history of going in and out of jail. The cruelty case will go to civil court but he will probably only get fined a small amount. Once fed, Maya put on 4-6 pounds in a week. Thanks to Judy F. for being willing to foster her through her heartworm treatment and give her LOTS of love. Thank you also to Linda M. and Joan M. who have contributed directly to Maya's treatment costs. And to our Homosassa team of transporters Carol & Ginny. Because of all of you, Maya is never going to suffer again. If you'd like to contribute to help her, we welcome greatly all donations.
Many thanks to Joan M. and Linda M. for their kind contributions to help Maya.